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News Feature

The lab hosted two regional competitions this year. Winners of the Science Bowl regionals go on to nationals.

Screenshot of winning high school team Lynbrook
News Feature

At the Machine Shop, Pete Franco crafts beautiful, intricate and precise parts for the lab’s latest scientific tools.

Pete Franco at the SLAC Machine Shop
News Feature

Their work uses machine learning to transform the way scientists tune particle accelerators for experiments and solve longstanding mysteries in astrophysics and cosmology.

Portraits of Auralee Edelen and Kimmy Wu
News Feature

Online educational programs offer new possibilities.

virtual internships
News Feature

A pioneer in developing methods for cryogenic electron microscopy, he directs two joint facilities for cryo-EM research and development on the SLAC campus.

Photo of Professor Wah Chui with a cryo-electron micrcoscope
News Feature

The prestigious awards provide at least $2.5 million over five years in support of their work in understanding photochemical reactions and improving accelerator beams.

SLAC staff scientists Amy Cordones-Hahn and Brendan O'Shea
News Feature

His work aims to deepen our understanding of dark matter, dark energy and other secrets of the universe.

Photo of Panofsky fellow Daniel Gruen
News Feature

Visitors of all ages shared a science-packed evening of activities.

Community Day Vacuum
News Feature

From middle schoolers to graduate students, more than 300 were introduced this year to real-world science, technology, engineering and math.

Participant in a SLAC SAGE-S summer camp
News Feature

The SLAC scientists will each receive $2.5 million for their research on fusion energy and advanced radiofrequency technology.

News Feature

Physicist Tor Raubenheimer explores the world by climbing rocks and designing particle accelerators.

Photo: Tor Raubenheimer, accelerator physicist
News Feature

For mechanical engineer Sarah Edwards, SSRL is the ultimate classic car.

photo of Sarah Edwards