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Nearly 200 guests attended a symposium on fundamental physics to celebrate the former deputy director’s numerous scientific contributions, which continue to have a tremendous...

Sid Drell Symposium January 2018
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The prestigious award recognizes her seminal contributions to particle physics.

Helen Quinn
News Feature

The award honors his contributions to research and education as founding president of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST).

Jonathan and Renee Dorfan
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He is recognized for his numerous contributions to the advancement of accelerator physics, community service and education.

Alexander Chao
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The astrophysicist is recognized for her leadership, mentorship and innovative work in understanding how galaxies form.

News Feature

The early career award from SLAC’s X-ray laser recognizes Kjaer’s work in ultrafast X-ray science.

photo of Kasper Kjaer in Panofsky Auditorium
News Feature

Kumar’s work, carried out in part at SSRL, explains how memristors work – a new class of electronic devices with applications in next-generation information...

photo of Suhas Kumar at SSRL
News Feature

The emeritus physicist was honored for the development of novel detectors that have greatly advanced experiments in particle physics, especially BABAR, which looked into...

Blair Ratcliff 2017 DPF Instrumentation Award
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The Scripps researcher is honored for groundbreaking research at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource that accelerated the development of a vaccine for deadly Lassa...

Photo - Kathryn Hastie, staff scientist at The Scripps Research Institute
News Feature

Zeeshan Ahmed, Frederico Fiuza and Emilio Nanni will each receive about $2.5 million over five years to pursue cutting-edge research into cosmic inflation, plasma...

SLAC's 2017 DOE Early Career Award winners
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The award recognizes the Stanford/SLAC professor’s pioneering work in the fields of energy and nanomaterials science.

Photo - Yi Cui SLAC/Stanford professor
News Feature

Claudio Pellegrini, a distinguished professor emeritus of physics at UCLA and adjunct professor of photon science at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator...