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Fundamental physics RSS feed

SLAC fundamental physics researchers study everything from elementary particles produced in accelerators to the large-scale structure of the universe. 

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Fundamental physics concept illustration

News Feature

The synthetic galaxy catalog will help test Roman's capabilities and foster collaboration with the Rubin project. 

A field of bright spots on a black background.
News Feature

Together with two long-time collaborators, he is recognized for work that helps us understand the strong nuclear force.

A man standing in front of a chalkboard.
News Feature

LSST Camera images provide the inspiration for artist Lennart Lahuis’s “Astromelancholia.”

News Feature

The Stanford Board of Trustees held its first meeting of the 2022-23 academic year Oct. 17-18. Trustees toured the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and...

Aerial photo of SLAC research yard
News Feature

They saw how the material finds a path to contorting and flexing to avoid being irreversibly crushed.

MEC silicon
News Feature
VIA Stanford News

The power of awe and the cosmos

A cosmologist, cultural historian, and neurosurgeon discuss how outer space and otherworldly phenomena can inspire discovery across disciplines and bring people together.

Image of galaxies of different colors and varied, warped shapes.
News Feature

They’ll work on experiments that search for dark matter particles and exotic neutrino decays that could help explain why there’s more matter than antimatter...

Side-by-side portraits of Brian Lenardo and Chelsea Bartram
News Feature

SLAC researchers contributed to the design, construction, testing and analysis of the experiment, which has already put the tightest bounds yet on a popular...

Bubble-like glass lenses inside a white cylindrical apparatus.
News Feature

Toro and Schuster are being recognized for their contributions to the design of experiments that use particle accelerators to search for dark matter particles.

SLAC physicists Natalia Toro and Philip Schuster
News Feature

Edelen draws on machine learning to fine tune particle accelerators, while Kurinsky develops dark matter detectors informed by quantum information science.

Side by side photographs of a woman and a man.
News Feature

The Rubin Observatory's LSST Camera will take enormously detailed images of the night sky from atop a mountain in Chile. Down below the mountain...

LSST data illustration
News Feature

DESI has already mapped out more galaxies than all previous 3D surveys combined, and it's just getting started.

Mayall Telescope Star Trails