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Biological sciences RSS feed

Tiny microbes and molecular machines have an outsized impact on human health, and they play key roles in the vast global cycles that shape climate and make carbon and nitrogen available to all living things. 

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Science of life

This illustration shows arrestin, an important type of signaling protein

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The staff scientist at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource discusses his research and teaching, which includes training an international group of students to conduct...

Aerial view of University of Southern California’s Wrigley Marine Science Center
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Biochemical 'action shots' with SLAC’s X-ray laser could help scientists develop synthetic enzymes for medicine and answer fundamental questions about how enzymes change during...

SLAC associate staff scientist Thomas Joseph Lane at the Coherent X-Ray Imaging instrument
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With SLAC’s X-ray laser, a research team captured ultrafast changes in fluorescent proteins between “dark” and “light” states. The insights allowed the scientists to...

Aequorea victoria, a bioluminescent jellyfish
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The Scripps researcher is honored for groundbreaking research at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource that accelerated the development of a vaccine for deadly Lassa...

Photo - Kathryn Hastie, staff scientist at The Scripps Research Institute
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With SLAC’s X-ray laser, scientists captured a virus changing shape and rearranging its genome to invade a cell.

The AMO (Atomic, Molecular & Optical Science) instrument
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A new X-ray laser technique allows scientists to home in on these single-electron triggers to better understand organic molecules that respond to light, including...

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With SLAC’s X-ray laser and synchrotron, scientists measured exactly how much energy goes into keeping this crucial bond from triggering a cell's death spiral.

An optical laser (green) excites the iron-containing active site of the protein cytochrome c, and then an X-ray laser (white) probes the iron.
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The method dramatically reduces the amount of virus material required and allows scientists to get results several times faster.

Surface structure of the bovine enterovirus 2
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A decade-long search ends at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, where researchers from The Scripps Research Institute emerge with a clear picture of how...

illustration of Lassa virus protein molecular structure
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Researchers at SLAC are already looking at the largely unexplored realm of attosecond science.

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PULSE scientist Amy Cordones-Hahn describes her work on chemical reactions that turn sunlight into useable energy.

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Explore the fourth dimension, from processes that occur in billions of years down to tiny slivers of a second.