SLAC topics

Astrophysics and cosmology RSS feed

SLAC’s astrophysicists and cosmologists pursue top-priority research on topics including dark matter and dark energy, the formation of galaxies and cosmic evolution. 

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Astrophysics and cosmology

Dwarf Galaxy 3.

News Feature

Researchers hope that the new experiment will shine light on how elementary neutrinos morph from one type into another.

News Feature

It’s in the air we breathe, but it’s not so easy to get ahold of 10 metric tons of xenon in its liquid form...

News Feature

SLAC is ramping up its efforts to understand neutrinos – elusive fundamental particles whose properties may help researchers solve a number of cosmic mysteries.

The EXO-200 underground detector.
News Feature

The DOE has approved the project’s scientific scope, schedule and funding. SLAC researchers are among the 200 physicists and astronomers who make up the...

Press Release

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope’s ‘Eye’ Will be Built at SLAC.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The Age of the Universe

How can we figure out when the universe began?

News Feature

Scientists on the Dark Energy Survey, using one of the world’s most powerful digital cameras, have discovered eight more faint celestial objects hovering near...

News Feature

Observations of this kind could lead scientists to the source of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Is this the only universe?

Our universe could be just one small piece of a bubbling multiverse.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

What is Dark Energy

Dark energy is everywhere. It will determine the fate of our universe. And we still have no idea what it is.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Seeing in Gamma Rays

The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope creates maps of the gamma-ray sky.

News Feature

A batch of newly discovered satellite dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way should help scientists better grasp the evolution of the universe while also...