Areas of research: New technologies; machine learning; deep learning; artificial intelligence; accelerator physics; physics and machine learning

Areas of research: Physics of the universe; cosmology; astrophysical simulations; galaxy formation; galaxy surveys; dark matter; dark energy

Areas of research: X-ray and ultrafast science; Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS); LCLS-II; molecular movies; chemical sciences; chemical dynamics; X-ray imaging; ultrafast electron diffraction...

Areas of research: Energy sciences; catalysis; sustainable production and use of fuels and chemicals

Areas of research: Physics of the universe; particle physics; LHC physics with the ATLAS Experiment; Higgs boson; advanced accelerator R&D; future electron-positron collider R&D...

Glennda edits all sorts of materials and writes about things like quantum materials, making fuels from water and building better batteries. She’s a former...