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Get an overview of research at SLAC: X-ray and ultrafast science, particle and astrophysics, cosmology, particle accelerators, biology, energy and technology.
Revealing nature’s fastest processes with X-rays, lasers and electrons
Studying the particles and forces that knit the cosmos together
Building smaller, faster, more powerful accelerators for all
Understanding the machinery of life at its most basic level
Inventing new tools for science and society
Finding clean, sustainable solutions for the world’s energy challenges
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Learn more about the places where science happens at SLAC: our major facilities, institutes and centers.
Linac Coherent Light Source
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests
Cryogenic Electron Microscopy
Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Science
Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology
Stanford PULSE Institute
Center for Interface Science & Catalysis
SLAC & Stanford build the world’s largest digital camera for the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).
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This joint publication of SLAC and Fermilab is your view into the world of particle physics.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Fifteen years ago, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) scientist Apurva Mehta volunteered to help a friend build beamline parts at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation...
Menlo Park, Calif.--Scientists report today that they have taken a big step in determining what the first birds looked like more than 100 million...
Steven Kivelson, a member of SLAC’s Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, has been named a winner of the 2012 John Bardeen Prize...
from Stanford University
from Stanford Report
SLAC in the Batter's Box as 30,000 at AT&T Park Cap Off 2012 Bay Area Science Festival. One week after the San Francisco Giants...
If you like your science with a cup of coffee, a pint of beer or a raucous crowd, these events may be for you.
A possible sign of dark matter will eventually become clear, according to promising signs from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment.
SSRL protein crystallography expert joined research effort that could lead to a safe and effective alternative to chemotherapy.
Particle physicists and scientists from other disciplines are finding ways to help one another answer critical questions.
As charged-particle therapies grow in popularity, physicists are working with other experts to make them smaller, cheaper and more effective—and m
Astrophysicists inspire space-related projects at a 24-hour hack-a-thon in San Francisco.