SSRL’s X-rays uncovered a 6th century translation of a book by the Greek-Roman doctor Galen, allowing the hidden text to be read for the...

This photo shows a small fuel cell inside of a sample chamber at SLAC's SSRL. This experimental station allows scientists to study fuel cells...

The Laser Science and Technology (LST) division of the LCLS provides operational support for laser systems used in the LCLS photoinjector and experimental end...

This illustration shows arrestin, an important type of signaling protein, while docked with rhodopsin, a G protein-coupled receptor.

Roberto Alonso Mori (right) and Dimosthenis Sokaras work on a spectrometer at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource.

This image shows the SARS-CoV-2 virus's main protease, Mpro, and two strands of a human protein, called NEMO.

A half-mile-long stretch of tunnel in Menlo Park, California is now colder than most of the universe.

Staff engineer Bruis van Vlijmen demonstrates how he works in the Battery Informatics Lab at SLAC.

SLAC’s Chris Kenney holds a 16-module, 2.2-megapixel ePix10k X-ray camera.