Thank you to all who joined us this year! 2024 event photos are available here. STEM Community Day is a fun-filled event...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Microbes Mining Minerals: A New Route to Plant Cultivation
Register to watch in person in the Kavli Auditorium, or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page. Plants supply us with food, clothing...

Science & Technology Communications Officer

Alberto is responsible for advancing the lab’s Science & Technology (S&T) Strategy, identifying and realizing opportunities and strengthening the coordination and execution of S&T...

X-ray absorption spectroscopy, operando catalyst characterization, catalyst structure-property relationships, new methods of catalyst characterization

Upcoming Event
Public Lectures
Revealing the Secrets of Transistors using Supercomputers
Register to watch in person in the Kavli Auditorium, or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page. For a decade, SLAC has been...

Mar 27