A muon, center, spins like a top within the atomic lattice of a thin film of superconducting nickelate.

This photo shows a small fuel cell inside of a sample chamber at SLAC's SSRL. This experimental station allows scientists to study fuel cells...

Staff engineer Bruis van Vlijmen holds a single Tesla battery cell inside the Battery Informatics Lab at SLAC. Details

Staff engineer Bruis van Vlijmen demonstrates how he works in the Battery Informatics Lab at SLAC.

Diagram with icons depicting how X-ray studies, machine learning and lab work (left) were used to study electrode nanoparticles (center) for batteries used in...

Stanford postdoctoral researcher Stephen Dongmin Kang, left, demonstrates how he works at a modular glovebox workstation while Stanford postdoc Jungjin Park works at a...