LCLS Undulator Hall with both soft X-ray undulators, left, and hard X-ray undulators, right.

A look inside SLAC’s FACET-II test facility, where scientists use electron beams to advance revolutionary technologies that could make future particle accelerators much smaller...

Last cryomodule unload, #41 from Fermilab F1.3-06. This one will be one of a few spares for LCLS-II.

Kayla Ninh at LCLS’s ChemRIX Hutch 2.2 in Near Experimental Hall.

Illustration of an electron beam traveling through a niobium cavity – a key component of SLAC’s future LCLS-II X-ray laser.

Researchers will use FACET-II to develop the plasma wakefield acceleration method, in which researchers send a bunch of very energetic particles through a hot...

The nanoscale patterns of SLAC and Stanford’s accelerator on a chip gleam in rainbow colors prior to being assembled and cut into their final...