This animation shows the results of a recent study at SLAC, in which researchers used a powerful beam of electrons to watch gold melt...

Illustration of how a single crystal sample of silicon deforms during shock compression on nanosecond timescales.

SSRL utilizes x-rays produced by its accelerator, the Stanford Positron Electron Asymmetric Ring (SPEAR3), shown in this photo from 2004.

Public Lecture Poster
Archimedes (287-212 BC), who is famous for shouting ‘Eureka’ (I found it) is considered one of the most brilliant thinkers...

Public Lecture Poster
Poster illustration of public lecture featuring Ashley James

Scientists have developed an AI-based method that helps gather data more efficiently in the search for new materials, allowing researchers...

Scientists uncovered new information about the photoelectric effect, a phenomenon first described by Einstein over a century ago.