Toro and Schuster are being recognized for their contributions to the design of experiments that use particle accelerators to search for dark matter particles.
SLAC researchers contributed to the design, construction, testing and analysis of the experiment, which has already put the tightest bounds yet on a popular theory of dark matter.
They’ll work on experiments that search for dark matter particles and exotic neutrino decays that could help explain why there’s more matter than antimatter in the universe.
Sandwiching wiggly proteins between two other layers allows scientists to get the most detailed images yet of a protein that’s key to the spread of acute myeloid leukemia.
The study, done on a mild-mannered relative of the virus that causes COVID-19, paves the way for seeing more clearly how spike proteins initiate infections, with an eye to preventing and treating them.
In this lecture, we will together embark on an adventure to uncover the enigmatic and awe-inspiring secrets of the Sun through the lens of solar astrophysics.
A swap of metals and a mutation ramp up the electric field strength at the active site of an enzyme, making it works an astonishing 50 times faster than its unmodified analog.