In 1974, the independent discovery of the J/psi particle at SLAC and Brookhaven National Laboratory rocked the physics world, and entire textbooks had to be rewritten. Earlier this month, SLAC hosted a symposium to celebrate the milestone.
The largest camera ever built for astrophysics has completed the journey to Cerro Pachón in Chile, where it will soon help unlock the Universe’s mysteries.
New results from the world’s most sensitive dark matter detector put the best-ever limits on particles called WIMPs, a leading candidate for what makes up our universe’s invisible mass.
Register to watch in person in the Kavli Auditorium, or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page. In particle physics, we search for new elementary particles that signal extensions of the fundamental interactions of nature. Experiments at the CERN...
Peter Dahlberg has combined two complex imaging techniques into one. The 2021 Panofsky Fellow adds cryo-ET and biosensors to fluorescence microscopy to give context to high-resolution images of individual proteins in cells.