Presented by Justin Myles. As the universe expanded from the Big Bang, regions where the density of matter was higher than average grew into galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
Presented by Yi Cui, SLAC/Stanford University. To transform our energy sources to carbon neutrality, we need to power as much of modern society as possible with clean electricity.
Bernhard Mistlberger will receive the APS's 2023 Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics for his work on precision Standard Model calculations.
A research team including SLAC staff engineer Gustavo Cezar shows that charging electric vehicles in the daytime would spread the load on the electric grid, save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
This event is free, open to all, and family-friendly hosted by Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at Stanford University, Science & Engineering Quad.
The ATLAS experiment measured more than expected of a trio of particles in the aftermath of proton collisions. The results will refine physicists’ understanding of our universe at the subatomic level.
They’ll work on experiments searching for dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics to push our understanding of what makes up the universe.
The first batch of data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument is now available for researchers to mine. Taken during the experiment’s “survey validation” phase, the data include distant galaxies and quasars as well as stars in our own Milky...
In this lecture, Dr. Rebecca Leane will review a range of dark matter searches using celestial objects, including exoplanets, solar-system planets, the Sun, and the Earth.
This week 200 members of the Cosmic Microwave Background Stage-4 (CMB-S4) collaboration are meeting at SLAC to focus on the continuing development of this science research project. CMB-S4 and the next generation telescopes will provide measurements of the cosmic...