Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s fast-moving telescope and huge digital camera will illuminate the faint glow of free-floating stars within galaxy clusters, providing unprecedented insight into the evolution of these dynamic structures.
It takes a lot of meetings, travel logistics and even tracking down some parts to keep a large team collaborating on a project like the LSST Camera. That’s where administrator Regina Matter comes in.
In the coming weeks, Symmetry will explore the ways scientists are using artificial intelligence to advance particle physics and astrophysics—in a series of articles written and illustrated entirely by humans.
This month, Symmetry presents a series of articles on the past, present and future of quantum research—and its many connections to particle physics, astrophysics and computing.
Latin America has reached a pivotal moment in experimental particle physics and astrophysics research. Throughout the month of October, Symmetry will explore how.
The Fundamental Physics Directorate brings together scientists and technologies that support national priorities in particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology to explore the basic particles and forces that knit the cosmos together.