News archive

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Many technologies rely upon nanomaterials that can absorb or release atoms quickly and repeatedly. New work provides a first look inside these phase-changing nanoparticles.

Computer simulations and lab experiments help researchers understand the violent universe and could potentially lead to new technologies that benefit humankind.

Researchers use X-rays to study some of the most extreme and exotic forms of matter ever created, in detail never before possible.

The discovery supports a powerful tool for discovering galaxies that are otherwise too distant to observe, and could lead to advances that improve our understanding of dark matter.

News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Five Fascinating Facts About DUNE

One: The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment will look for more than just neutrinos.

VIA Symmetry Magazine

Art Draws Out the Beauty of Physics

Labs around the world open their doors to aesthetic creation.

New insights into how bacteria interact with host cells could help fight off harmful microbes.

Adding pressure could improve the performance of solar cells made of perovskites, a promising photovoltaic material.

Method’s unprecedented combination of atomic resolution and extraordinary speed opens up new opportunities for ultrafast science.

Upgrade will sharpen our view of nature’s atomic processes at work, aiding the development of a number of transformative technologies.

Illustration of an electron beam traveling through a niobium cavity.

Scientists have used X-rays to observe exactly how silver electrical contacts form during manufacturing of solar modules.

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