News archive

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Tripling the energy and refining the shape of optical laser pulses at LCLS’s Matter in Extreme Conditions instrument allows researchers to recreate higher-pressure conditions and explore unsolved questions relevant to fusion energy, plasma physics and materials science.

Laser engineers with the upgraded Matter in Extreme Conditions optical laser

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are on a quest to solve one of physics’ biggest mysteries: What exa

LZ Dark Matter Detector

Zeeshan Ahmed, Frederico Fiuza and Emilio Nanni will each receive about $2.5 million over five years to pursue cutting-edge research into cosmic inflation, plasma acceleration and using terahertz waves to accelerate particles.

SLAC's 2017 DOE Early Career Award winners
News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

A New Search for Dark Matter 6,800 Feet Underground

Prototype tests of the future SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment are in full swing.


SLAC and Stanford astrophysicists made crucial contributions to the galaxy survey, showing that the universe clumps and expands as predicted by our best cosmological models.

Blanco Telescope

Over the next five years they’ll work on getting significantly more information about how catalysts work and improving biological imaging methods.

Cornelius Gati and Franklin Fuller, the 2017 Panofsky fellows at SLAC

A serendipitous discovery lets researchers spy on this self-assembly process for the first time with SLAC’s X-ray synchrotron. What they learn will help them fine-tune precision materials for electronics, catalysis and more.

Illustration of nanocrystals forming into superlattices at SLAC's SSRL

SLAC’s ultrafast “electron camera” reveals unusual atomic motions that could be crucial for the efficiency of next-generation perovskite solar cells.

UED Perovskites

A unique groundbreaking ceremony marked the start of construction of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility – future home of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, which promises to shed new light on how the universe works and why matter exists.

DUNE Groundbreaking

A team including SIMES principal investigator Shoucheng Zhang says it has found the first firm evidence of such a Majorana fermion.

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