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Created by scientists from Stanford, SLAC and Denmark, the new nickel-gallium catalyst converts carbon dioxide emissions into an important industrial chemical and potential fuel

Jens Norskov
News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

CDMS Result Covers New Ground in Search for Dark Matter

In a newly announced result from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment, scientists have placed a more stringent limit on "light," or low-mass, dark matter. SLAC and Stanford members of CDMS created the detectors used in the search, and SLAC...

Black widow spiders and their Australian cousins, known as redbacks, are notorious for their tainted love, expressed as an unsettling tendency to kill and devour their male partners. Astronomers have noted similar behavior among two rare breeds of binary system...

Image - Illustration of black widow pulsar blasting material off companion star

Growing up in China shortly after the Cultural Revolution, Zhirong Huang may have been the only middle-school child in Beijing who knew anything about SLAC. Today he’s a notable innovator in the design of particle accelerators and free-electron lasers.

Zhirong Huang, associate professor of physics
News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

BaBar Still Breaking New Ground

Twenty years after a cutting-edge particle physics experiment at SLAC adopted a royal elephant from a series of children's books as its mascot, BaBar (the experiment, not the elephant) is still looking ahead to future discoveries.

An electrode designed like a pomegranate – with silicon nanoparticles clustered like seeds in a tough carbon rind – overcomes several remaining obstacles to using silicon for a new generation of lithium-ion batteries, say its inventors at Stanford University and...

A fanciful illustration of pomegranate seeds inside a conventional battery

SLAC hosted 21 teams at the Department of Energy Regional Bay Area Science Bowl on Feb. 8. The winners from Homestead High School will head to Washington, D.C., for the national competition in April.

Photo - Homestead High School team wins 2014 Science Bowl at SLAC

Through ‘spooky action at a distance,’ the properties of two systems remain correlated even after they are separated.

News Feature

Cosmic Rays on Demand

In a SLAC test facility, scientists have set the stage for an experiment that mimics what happens when incredibly energetic cosmic ray particles hit our atmosphere. While the experiment is part of ANITA, which sends balloon-borne instruments into the upper...

Photo - Researchers look over the magnetic coils that will impersonate the Earth's magnetic field.

The recent discovery of a new state of matter -- the topological insulator -- may lead to a new paradigm of information processing, in which electrons moving in opposing directions are separated into well-ordered lanes, like automobiles on a highway...

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