Resources for...

The SAGE Mission is to engage curious and passionate students of genders underrepresented in STEM, and empower them to explore a wide range of possibilities for their future. 

SAGE camp arduino project groups

Discover the major scientific facilities at SLAC, including three DOE Office of Science user facilities.

Meriame Berboucha in the Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) hutch.

A ongoing collection of albums with SLAC aerial photography starting from 2010

SLAC’s linac under Interstate 280

Search for people by name, email, extension. (SLAC login required)

SLAC Directory home screen

This guide provides information, instructions, and additional knowledge about SLAC’s Drupal template and platform to site owners. Use this guide to learn how to build content, launch your website, and more.

SLAC campus aerial

The SLAC Faculty Affairs Office is responsible for implementing University policy regarding appointments and promotions, salary setting, leaves, endowed chair appointments, and other matters of an academic nature.

SLAC research yard

Explore SLAC science through high-resolution visuals of our scientific discoveries, research facilities and members of our lab community.

a collage of photos from SLAC albums on Flickr

Learn more about SLAC science with these explainer articles, videos and visuals.

SAGE campers have fun experimenting with a Van de Graff generator

The SLAC Small Business Program provides opportunities for small business suppliers to obtain laboratory contracts for goods and services. 

Stanford Research Computing Facility (SRCF) on SLAC's campus.