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Electron transfer atomic motions concept illustration

The Office of the Chief Research Officer (OCRO) oversees and supports the SLAC research portfolio and SLAC researchers.


Find information on SLAC leaders, our mission and lab organization.

Science and User Support Building to the left and Arrillaga Science Center building to the right from above the Main Quad at SLAC's campus.

Panofsky Fellowships are awarded to early career doctoral scientists with potential for innovation and growth.

Wolfgang Panofsky

Learn how SLAC’s partnerships promote scientific discoveries and their practical applications.

SLAC’s Arianna Gleason speaks with advisors to Deputy Energy Secretary Dan Brouilette

In the Project Management of Office, our vision is to facilitate and foster a culture of PM excellence at SLAC and DOE.

An aerial view of about 600 people standing in the center of a round patch of green lawn, with two buildings and blue sky in the background

The evening lectures highlight the cutting-edge science happening at the laboratory. From the nanotechnology of diamonds to the latest Higgs Boson discoveries, SLAC public lectures provide non-scientists with a unique insight into the workings of our universe.

video still frame of lecture about the search for dark matter

Learn about our SLAC sciences by watching our past lecture recordings.

Elizabeth Ryland speaking at SLAC public lecture

Sign up for a virtual tour hosted by live guides, launch our interactive tour or register for an in-person tour at SLAC. 

Tour stop at LCLS's XCS Hutch in the Far Experimental Hall