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X-ray scattering and diffraction RSS feed

See content related to X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction here below.

Illustration of LCLS diffraction protein crystals.

News Feature

Daniel DePonte, a pioneer in finding ways to serve up a steady and precise supply of crystals, viruses and other precious samples for laser...

Photo - Daniel DePonte standing in experimental station.
News Feature

Understanding why proteins interact with certain specific molecules and not with the myriad others in their environment is a major goal of molecular biology.

Conceptual art showing proteins and viruses
Press Release

An international team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has proved how the world's most powerful X-ray laser...

a lysozyme structural model against its X-ray diffraction pattern
News Feature

If the excitement and enthusiasm of young scientists like Eric Verploegen could be pumped directly into the power grid, the world's energy problems could...

Eric Verploegen