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News Feature

Developed at SLAC’s LCLS, it could also yield new information from hard-to-study samples in materials science, chemistry and other fields.

Image - These charts show (a) the energy profile of two electron bunches that are separated by about 6 picoseconds, which are later stimulated to emit (b) two X-ray pulses separated by femtoseconds.
News Feature

For the first time, researchers have produced a 3-D image revealing some of the inner structure of an intact, infectious virus.

Image - This rendering shows a 3-D reconstruction of a Mimivirus, based on an analysis of a collection of X-ray diffraction patterns obtained in an experiment at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser. (Uppsala University)
News Feature

An X-ray laser experiment could lead to new drugs that lessen the side effects caused by powerful painkillers like morphine.

Image - This rendering shows a type of cellular membrane protein known as a delta opioid receptor (purple) with a compound derived from a naturally occurring peptide (orange, blue and red) bound inside its “pocket.” The peptide compound shows promise as a
Press Release

Scientists have used an X-ray laser at SLAC to get the first glimpse of the transition state where two atoms begin to form a...

Illustration of a transition state in a chemical reaction.
Press Release

Technique Could Allow Study of Viral Infections, Cell Division and Photosynthesis in New Detail

A pond containing a visible bloom of cyanobacteria, with an artistic rendering of an individual cell
News Feature

Research reveals that the bacterial immune system can better destroy viral attackers by saving genetic records of previously encountered viruses.

News Feature

Scientists have assembled an exotic toolbox for experiments that tap into the brightest X-rays on the planet.

Image - This illustration shows a cutaway view of a type of sample system used at the Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser that jets samples in a superthin liquid or gel stream into its X-ray pulses. This system is known as a gas dynamic virtual nozzle
News Feature

Stanford and SLAC engineers observed electrons at work during catalytic reactions. Their findings challenge long-held theories about some catalysts, opening the door to new...

News Feature

A scientist at Germany’s DESY lab who participated in pioneering studies at SLAC's LCLS has been awarded a scientific prize by a research foundation.

Image - Henry Chapman (DESY)
News Feature

Scientists at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are combining the speed and precision of robots with one of the brightest X-ray...

This illustration shows the components in an experimental setup used in crystallography experiments at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser.
News Feature

More than a dozen energy-storage companies have streamlined access to research facilities and expertise at SLAC under a new cooperative R&D agreement with CalCharge.

In this lecture, SLAC’s Ryan Coffee explains how researchers are beginning to use pattern recognition and machine learning to study chemical reactions at the...