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An ancient surprise surfaced in 1964 during construction of the 2-mile linear accelerator.

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VIA Stanford News

Sidney Drell Dies at 90

Champion of nuclear nonproliferation, former deputy director of SLAC and winner of numerous prestigious awards, Sidney Drell was a groundbreaking researcher and outstanding leader...

Photo of Sid Drell
News Feature

An accomplished academic leader and longtime member of the Stanford community, Drell will become the university’s chief academic officer and chief budgetary officer. She...

Headshot of Persis Drell
News Feature

SLAC postdoctoral scholars recently participated in Tech Trek program to engage in a lively discussion with middle-schoolers.

SLAC postdoctoral scholars
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The fellowship will support their research into developing new methods of imaging tiny particles and understanding the properties of the Higgs boson.

Tais Gorkhover and Michael Kagan, the 2016 Panofsky Fellows at SLAC
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The award honors his work on a world-class experimental station at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource.

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The lab’s signature particle highway prepares to enter another era of transformative science as the home of the LCLS-II X-ray laser.

SLAC linear accelerator building at sunset
News Feature

He is being honored for the development of theories that help researchers better understand nature’s fundamental particles and forces.

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When the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) begins in 2022 to take images of the entire southern night sky over and over again for...

photo - two scientists in front of a building - see caption
News Feature

Researchers are searching for a quantum theory of gravity that could help answer fundamental questions about the universe, from the very first moments after...

News Feature

The medal, which recognizes distinguished physicists for outstanding statesmanship in science, honors Quinn for her work in science education.

SLAC Professor Emerita Helen Quinn
News Feature

An all-day symposium recognized the professor emeritus for his many contributions to the scientific community, from pioneering synchrotron radiation research at SSRL to making...