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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

Press Release

It's the first to employ AI to help the grid manage power fluctuations, resist damage and recover faster from storms, solar eclipses, cyberattacks and...

Electric grid components.
Press Release

SLAC’s X-ray laser and Matter in Extreme Conditions instrument allow researchers to examine the exotic precipitation in real time as it materializes in the...

A cutaway depicts the interior of Neptune (right) and an illustration of diamond rain (left).
News Feature

The Scripps researcher is honored for groundbreaking research at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource that accelerated the development of a vaccine for deadly Lassa...

Photo - Kathryn Hastie, staff scientist at The Scripps Research Institute
News Feature

Zeeshan Ahmed, Frederico Fiuza and Emilio Nanni will each receive about $2.5 million over five years to pursue cutting-edge research into cosmic inflation, plasma...

SLAC's 2017 DOE Early Career Award winners
News Feature

Over the next five years they’ll work on getting significantly more information about how catalysts work and improving biological imaging methods.

Cornelius Gati and Franklin Fuller, the 2017 Panofsky fellows at SLAC
Press Release

A serendipitous discovery lets researchers spy on this self-assembly process for the first time with SLAC’s X-ray synchrotron. What they learn will help them...

Illustration of nanocrystals forming into superlattices at SLAC's SSRL
News Feature

A team including SIMES principal investigator Shoucheng Zhang says it has found the first firm evidence of such a Majorana fermion.

News Feature

A flash of green laser followed by pulses of X-rays, and mere nanoseconds later an extraterrestrial form of ice has formed.

News Feature

A makeover of the historic Beam Switch Yard prepares the lab for the installation of the LCLS X-ray laser upgrade.

photo of BSY - see caption
News Feature

The award recognizes the Stanford/SLAC professor’s pioneering work in the fields of energy and nanomaterials science.

Photo - Yi Cui SLAC/Stanford professor
News Feature

An international team of researchers fabricated an atomically thin material and measured its exotic and durable properties that make it a promising candidate for...

News Feature

A new X-ray laser technique allows scientists to home in on these single-electron triggers to better understand organic molecules that respond to light, including...
