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Neutrinos RSS feed

Neutrinos are among the most mysterious particles, but they are difficult to study – they can pass through lead nearly 6 trillion miles thick without leaving a trace. SLAC researchers want to answer fundamental questions about neutrinos, including whether a new type of neutrino could be linked to dark matter and whether neutrinos explain why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe.

Related links:
Physics of the Universe
Elementary particle Physics

This illustration shows the layout of an application-specific integrated circuit, or ASIC, at an imaginary art exhibition.

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The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel’s report, released today, recommends a strategic path forward for US particle physics.

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The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel’s recommendations will set the course for the future of particle physics in the United States.

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Two scientists at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory made key contributions to the discovery of the first direct evidence for cosmic inflation...

Image - The BICEP2 detector shown in this electron-beam micrograph works by converting the light from the cosmic microwave background into heat. A titanium film tuned on its transition to a superconducting state makes a sensitive thermometer.
Public Lecture Poster
public lecture poster
Public Lecture Poster
Neutrinos Get Under Your Skin
Press Release

Scientists studying neutrinos have found with the highest degree of sensitivity yet that these mysterious particles behave like other elementary particles at the quantum...

EXO-200 in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
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A very clean Knut Skarpaas, SLAC engineer, with half of the equally clean detector (Photo courtesy EXO collaboration.)