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Energy science RSS feed

 One of the most urgent challenges of our time is discovering how to generate the energy and products we need sustainably – in a way that doesn’t compromise the well-being of future generations by depleting limited resources or accelerating climate change.

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Energy sciences

How electrons flow in the oxygen-evolving complex of Photosystem II.

News Feature

When it comes to improving the performance of lithium-ion batteries, no part should be overlooked – not even the glue that binds materials together...

Image -  A new binder material forms a fine-grained (top) lithium sulfide/carbon composite cathode, compared with the large clumps (bottom) that form when another common binder is used.
Press Release

Menlo Park, Calif. — Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have designed a low-cost, long-life...

Photo of battery demonstration, a flask half-full of ...
News Feature

SLAC and Stanford scientists have set a world record for energy storage, using a clever “yolk-shell” design to store five times more energy in...

Image - Explanatory diagrams and magnified nanopartic...
News Feature

SLAC and Stanford will join a team that will receive $120 million from the DOE to establish a new batteries and energy storage hub...

Image - JCESR logo
News Feature

Solar, wind and other renewable energy sources reduce consumption of fossil fuels but also pose challenges to the electrical grid because their power generation...

Photo - Wind turbines along a highway
News Feature

Most electric cars, from the Tesla Model S to the Nissan Leaf, run on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries – a pricey technology that accounts for...

Mike Toney and Johanna Nelson at SSRL
News Feature

If the excitement and enthusiasm of young scientists like Eric Verploegen could be pumped directly into the power grid, the world's energy problems could...

Eric Verploegen