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LCLS is the world’s first hard X-ray free-electron laser, open to experiments by scientists from across the globe.

New undulator hall

The new SLAC-Stanford Battery Center creates a generational opportunity enabling translational research in electrochemical science and technology bridging across fundamental science to deployment.

Arrillaga Science Center

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a national laboratory and Federally Funded Research and Development Center managed and operated under by Stanford University.

Aerial view of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Scientists at SLAC observe chemical reactions in unprecedented detail and find ways to make them more efficient, with the goal of using chemistry to help solve the nation’s energy challenges.

Liquids getting vaporized by the world's brightest X-ray laser

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are found across all scientific directorates at SLAC, with applications to a wide range of tasks including online data reduction, system controls, simulation, and analysis of big data. 

SLAC aerial at night

SLAC’s microelectronics research is breaking new ground in sustainable computing.

Illustration of technology microelectronics

TID leverages its state-of-the-art scientific expertise in exploiting the electromagnetic spectrum and in advanced instrumentation to develop novel technologies.

Copper instrument

As one of 17 Department of Energy national laboratories, SLAC is dedicated to carrying out research and developing technologies in support of national priorities.

Download a variety of fact sheets to learn more about SLAC, our programs and latest scientific discoveries. 

Empty undulator hall

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Science and User Support Building to the left and Arrillaga Science Center building to the right from above the Main Quad at SLAC's campus.