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Revealing nature’s fastest processes with X-rays, lasers and electrons
Studying the particles and forces that knit the cosmos together
Building smaller, faster, more powerful accelerators for all
Understanding the machinery of life at its most basic level
Inventing new tools for science and society
Finding clean, sustainable solutions for the world’s energy challenges
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Linac Coherent Light Source
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests
Cryogenic Electron Microscopy
Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Science
Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology
Stanford PULSE Institute
Center for Interface Science & Catalysis
SLAC & Stanford build the world’s largest digital camera for the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).
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This joint publication of SLAC and Fermilab is your view into the world of particle physics.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Diamonds can add more than sparkle and style to X-ray experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source.
In their search for fundamental truths, particle physicists have a lot in common with explorers everywhere.
Levitt shares the prize with Martin Karplus of Université de Strasbourg, France, and Harvard University, and Arieh Warshe of the University of Sout
SLAC and Stanford scientists have set a world record for energy storage, using a clever “yolk-shell” design to store five times more energy in...
Students from US universities work on LHC experiments through a new research abroad program.
Science is no longer the wallflower who doesn’t get asked to the dance, writes physicist Glen Crawford in an essay about science outreach past...
An engineer at SLAC laboratory constructed a full-scale model of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope's cryostat in his spare time.
In a few years, scientists will come out with a new map of a third of the sky, one that will go deeper and...
The Planck mission released a first glimpse of data that, later this year, will test BICEP2’s discovery of gravitational waves.
Companies are using an electron-beam 3-D printing process to manufacture medical implants.
Given a year to mature, the Institute for Chemical Biology is relaunching under a new name that better reflects its vision of bringing Stanford's...
When the Large Hadron Collider restarts, it will be an even more powerful dark-matter-hunting machine.