The SLAC main entrance from Sand Hill Road. Science and User Support Building (SUSB) with Stanford Guest house to the left.

Drone images of cryomodule delivery from the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility on October 26, 2021.

SLAC/Stanford Professor Zhi-Xun Shen (left) and SLAC staff scientist Patrick Kirchmann with the ARPES instrument used to measure electron energy and momentum in an...

From the SLAC main quad, the Science and User Support Building and the Arrillaga Science Center.

The first of 37 cryomodules for LCLS-II is moved off of its truck after being shipped from Fermilab. All the cryomodules were delivered...

Dominique White takes a look at the last cryomodule for LCLS-II delivered from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

SLAC is home to the historic 2-mile-long klystron gallery above the world’s longest linear particle accelerator.

Science and User Support Building to the left and Arrillaga Science Center building to the right from above the Main Quad at SLAC’s campus...