SLAC’s microelectronics research is breaking new ground in sustainable computing.

This illustration depicts a herringbone-like pattern in the atomic lattice of a quantum material created by researchers at SLAC and Stanford.

The new SLAC-Stanford Battery Center creates a generational opportunity enabling translational research in electrochemical science and technology bridging across fundamental science to deployment.

Here at SLAC, scientists, engineers, technicians and support professionals work together to conduct world-class research.

SLAC is committed to protecting the health and safety of our staff, the community, and the environment as we carry out our scientific mission.

Facilities at SLAC with SPEAR3 at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) to the left and Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) hutch to the right.

Taking the first 3,200-megapixel images was an important first test for the focal plane.