Our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are comprised of employees all across the lab, from scientists to engineers to operations staff.

Service areas: Benefits, Compensation, HR Director, Employee/Labor Relations, Employment, Housing, International Services, Records, Training & Development, Workers’ Compensation.

The SLAC Training Assessment (STA) is an online tool used by supervisors to assign employee training in environment, safety, and health.

The Cryo-EM (cryogenic electron microscopy) facility at SLAC, built and operated in partnership with Stanford University, is equipped with multiple state-of-the-art instruments for cryo-EM.

SLAC's colloquium talks are aimed at a broad scientific and technical audience, but occasionally, those talks may be of more general interest.

Business Services Division (BSD) supports SLAC's scientific mission and laboratory operations by providing financial and procurement services.

Essential resources for SLAC staff

A ongoing collection of albums with SLAC aerial photography starting from 2010

Panofsky Fellowships are awarded to early career doctoral scientists with potential for innovation and growth.

The Visiting Faculty Program (VFP), seeks to increase the research competitiveness of faculty members and their students at institutions historically underrepresented in the research community in order to expand the workforce vital to the Department of Energy (DOE) mission areas.

This guide provides information, instructions, and additional knowledge about SLAC’s Drupal template and platform to site owners. Use this guide to learn how to build content, launch your website, and more.

From studying chemical reactions that happen in femtosecond timescale to advancing society’s energy technology, the Energy Sciences Directorate’s research addresses an enormous range of critical scientific challenges.