Ryan Coffee, scientist at SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser, explains, “What is a femtosecond?”
The attoclock, illustrated here, can measure laser pulses that last billionths of a billionth of a second long.

An illustration of electrolyte molecules arranging themselves into layers within a few nanometers of a battery electrode.

SLAC associate staff scientist Thomas Joseph Lane at the Coherent X-Ray Imaging (CXI) instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source...

Top: An optical microscope image of crystallized photolyase enzymes before they are probed by the LCLS X-ray laser. Bottom: An...

An illustration shows nanocrystals assembling into an ordered ‘superlattice.’

The SuperCDMS dark matter experiment will be located at the Canadian laboratory SNOLAB, 2 kilometers (6,800 feet) underground inside a...

Public Lecture Poster
The Grid Integration, Systems & Mobility lab works with universities, state agencies, utilities and industry to develop technology solutions for...