Putting the fourth, and final, SuperCDMS tower safely back into its storage container.

LCLS Undulator Hall with both soft X-ray undulators, left, and hard X-ray undulators, right.

The Science and User Support Building (SUSB) is located just inside SLAC’s main gate and is a visitor’s first stop when they arrive at...

A muon, center, spins like a top within the atomic lattice of a thin film of superconducting nickelate.

Public Lecture Poster
Catching up to Electrons on the Move

Public Lecture Poster
Public Lecture presented by Siqi Li

The SLAC main entrance from Sand Hill Road. Science and User Support Building (SUSB) with Stanford Guest house to the left.

Drone images of cryomodule delivery from the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility on October 26, 2021.