Past Event
Public Lecture
Now Playing: Molecular Movies
Since it began operation in 2009, SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) has allowed scientists to make new types of X-ray measurements that were...

Past Event
public lecture
Quantum CSI: Profiling Molecules with X-rays
From social media to market analysis, people use pattern recognition and machine learning to sift through enormous amounts of data and reach new levels...

Past Event
Public Lectures
The End of Spacetime
Spacetime and quantum mechanics are the pillars of our modern understanding of fundamental physics. But there are storm clouds on the horizon indicating that...

Past Event
Public Lecture
Caught in the Act! Chemical Reactions Exposed
Catalysts are the unsung heroes of chemistry: Widely used in industry, they speed up chemical reactions used to make everything from fertilizers to fuels...

Past Event
Public Lecture
Cosmic Clue: The Dark Matter Mystery
The universe is full of giant structures like galaxies and clusters of galaxies. What holds them together? Over the past century, many diverse observations...

Past Event
Public Lecture
X-rays Reveal Secret Life of Batteries
Making the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy sources for the world’s automobile fleet will require dramatic improvements in rechargeable batteries: They...