This guide provides information, instructions, and additional knowledge about SLAC’s Drupal template and platform to site owners. Use this guide to learn how to build content, launch your website, and more.

From studying chemical reactions that happen in femtosecond timescale to advancing society’s energy technology, the Energy Sciences Directorate’s research addresses an enormous range of critical scientific challenges.

The Accelerator Directorate fosters world leading accelerator science and technologies for future accelerators, while enabling user research and accelerator R&D programs today.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's User Research Portal for science and discovery.

Helpful transportation information from the SLAC Visitor User Employee (VUE) Center

Explore SLAC science through high-resolution visuals of our scientific discoveries, research facilities and members of our lab community.

We promote the lab’s science and impact, inform and engage staff, and inspire future scientists, collaborators and partners. (Staff login required)

Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) upgrade project

For brand guides, logos, visual resources and templates, visit our Brand & Identity website.

SLUO represents scientists and engineers from universities and laboratories around the world involved in particle physics, astrophysics and accelerator physics research at SLAC.

If you are coming to SLAC as a Conference Attendee on-site or remote, follow the step by step instructions to submit the form and upload all the required documentation.

Learn about our SLAC sciences by watching our past lecture recordings.