Black holes are some of the most exotic and extreme objects in the universe. Though they sound like the stuff of science fiction, they...

Past Event
Public Lecture
Caught on Camera: The Secret Lives of Life's Molecules
For decades, scientists have been working to understand the building blocks of life by studying the structures of proteins and other large biological molecules. ...

Past Event
Public Lecture
Mutant Ribosomes and the Action of Antibiotics
The ribosome, found in all living cells, is the molecular machine that builds proteins. It faithfully attaches together amino acids – the building blocks...

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Public Lectures
Metals, Molecules, Life and Death
In our normal everyday lives we are exposed to an incredibly complex chemical soup consisting of an enormous variety of different chemical compounds. Many...

Past Event
Public Lectures
The Runaway Universe
The Universe appears to be flat, accelerating and lightweight. In this talk, I will explain what these terms mean, how we developed this view...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Smashing Protons: First Physics at the LHC
The Large Hadron Collider, at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, is the largest scientific instrument ever built. For nearly a year now, we have been...

Past Event
Public Lecture
Supernova Shock Waves: Powerhouses of the Galaxy
An exploding star, or supernova, is one of the most violent events in the universe, giving off a billion stars' worth of light. Even...

Past Event
Public Lectures
From Atoms to Animals: The Vital Force in Biology
Perhaps the most significant event in intellectual history has occurred over the past several decades, a convergence of the sciences, a blurring of the...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Archimedes: Accelerator Reveals Ancient Text
Archimedes (287-212 BC), who is famous for shouting 'Eureka' (I found it) is considered one of the most brilliant thinkers of all times. The...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Physical Attraction: The Mysteries of Magnetism
Most people have intuitive associations with the word "magnetism" based on everyday life: refrigerator magnets, the compass, north and south poles, or someone's "magnetic...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Water: The Strangest Liquid
Water, H2O, is familiar to everyone - it shapes our bodies and our planet. But despite its abundance, water has remained a mystery, exhibiting...