According to Smith, protein crystallography allows scientists to design drugs in a much more efficient way than the standard methods traditionally used by large...

Past Event
Public Lectures
How Plants Do it: Light, Oxygen, Action!
Plants have been doing it with ease for millions of years, and yet science has yet to fully comprehend how: Photosynthesis. It's a fundamental...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Ultimate Atomic Bling: Nanotechnology of Diamonds
Diamonds exist in all sizes, from the Hope Diamond to minuscule crystals only a few atoms across. The smallest of these diamonds are created...

Past Event
Public Lecture
A Blueprint for New Fuel Cell Catalysts
Glaciers are shrinking, gas prices are rising - so is our energy-hungry way of life doomed? We believe, no. Every day our sun provides...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Dark Energy. What the ...?
What is the Universe made of? This question has been asked as long as humans have been questioning, and astronomers and physicists are finally...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Antimatter: What is it and where did it go?
In this public lecture we will explore the mystery of antimatter: Where did it go? Why is the universe made up of only matter...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Particle Accelerator on a Chip
Accelerators are huge, expensive tubes sometimes miles long that produce high energies for smashing protons or making intense X-ray light. 21st-century technology has taken...

Past Event
The masterpieces of Henri Matisse, Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Seurat and many of their contemporaries are currently undergoing catastrophic changes, including paint discoloration and...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Hydrogen: Fueling the Future
As our dependence on foreign oil increases and concerns about global climate change rise, the need to develop sustainable energy technologies is becoming increasingly...