We humans interact with our physical environment through our senses of touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing. One of the great challenges in developing...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Deep Secrets of the Neutrino: Physics Underground
Among the many beautiful, unexpected and sometimes revolutionary discoveries to emerge from subatomic physics, probably none is more bizarre than an elementary particle known...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Neutrinos Get Under Your Skin
The enigmatic neutrinos are among the most abundant of the tiny particles that make up our universe. They are a billion times more abundant...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Robots: Fantasy and Reality
A irreverent non-technical review of the history of surprisingly animate machines, from ancient Egypt to current times. Areas include teleoperators for hazardous environments, assembly...

Past Event
public lecture
ZAP! The X-Ray Laser is Born
SLAC has converted its giant particle accelerator into the world's first X-ray laser. By a billion fold the world's brightest X-ray source, the laser...

Past Event
As electronics become faster and more powerful and the components of integrated circuits shrink, scientists are bumping up against the limitations imposed by fundamental...

Past Event
Public Lectures
The Large Hadron Collider: Redefining High Energy
Particle physicists have a description of the forces of nature known as the Standard Model that has successfully withstood decades of testing at laboratories...