The Universe appears to be flat, accelerating and lightweight. In this talk, I will explain what these terms mean, how we developed this view...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Smashing Protons: First Physics at the LHC
The Large Hadron Collider, at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, is the largest scientific instrument ever built. For nearly a year now, we have been...

Past Event
Public Lecture
Supernova Shock Waves: Powerhouses of the Galaxy
An exploding star, or supernova, is one of the most violent events in the universe, giving off a billion stars' worth of light. Even...

Past Event
Public Lectures
From Atoms to Animals: The Vital Force in Biology
Perhaps the most significant event in intellectual history has occurred over the past several decades, a convergence of the sciences, a blurring of the...

Past Event
Public Lectures
Archimedes: Accelerator Reveals Ancient Text
Archimedes (287-212 BC), who is famous for shouting 'Eureka' (I found it) is considered one of the most brilliant thinkers of all times. The...