Cornelius Gati and other researchers were studying a protein thought to be important for the progression of tuberculosis when they made a strange discovery...

An artist’s depiction of a tiny pore in the crystalline shell of an ammonia-eating archaea microbe; surrounding proteins are shown...

Researchers at Stanford and SLAC are working on ways to convert waste carbon dioxide (CO2) into chemical feedstocks and fuels...

Sander Breur from SLAC’s EXO neutrino research group, describes the acute shortage ventilator project.

Crystals of the soil virus AMG product (chitosanase) at 400x magnification. Individual crystals were cryo-cooled in liquid nitrogen before being...

Stanford’s Roger Kornberg received the 2006 chemistry Nobel for work on RNA transcriptase, shown on screens.

A battery's liquid electrolyte clings to small holes in a cryo-EM sample holder. The electrolyte will be fast-frozen into a...