With help from two small businesses, SLAC’s vintage ACE3P software is spreading its wings to make supercomputing easier and faster.

FACET-II is the only facility in the world capable of providing high-energy electron and positron beams for researching a vast array of revolutionary accelerator...

FACET-II uses the middle third of the lab’s 2-mile-long linear accelerator

Over the course of two years, crews at SLAC installed a state-of-the-art high brightness electron source and new electron bunch compressor systems for producing...

FACET-II will pave the way for a future generation of particle colliders and powerful light sources

Accelerator Trouble Reporting System

The Accelerator Directorate fosters world leading accelerator science and technologies for future accelerators, while enabling user research and accelerator R&D programs today.

Klystrons are microwave generators. The klystrons used at SLAC are cousins to the microwave generators that heat up food in your microwave oven.

Animation illustrating the concept of the Trojan horse method. An electron bunch from SLAC’s FACET facility (bright spot at right) passes through hydrogen plasma...