Attendees at the KIPAC 20th Anniversary Community Day festival will observe the sun through telescopes and sun-spotters.

In this conceptual art, an electron and positron collide, resulting in a B meson (not shown) and an antimatter B-bar meson, which then decays...

When stars explode, the supernovas send off shock waves like the one shown in this artist's rendition, which accelerate protons...

In this illustration, two protons collide at high energy, producing a Higgs boson that instantly decays, producing two tau particles...

The SuperCDMS dark matter experiment will be located at the Canadian laboratory SNOLAB, 2 kilometers (6,800 feet) underground inside a...

This animation shows how krypton (red) is removed from xenon gas (blue) by flowing the combined gases through a column...

A map of the sky showing the density of galaxy clusters, galaxies and matter in the universe over the part...

Image from the Dark Energy Camera (DECam), which is mounted on the Victor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at the Cerro...