A swap of metals and a mutation ramp up the electric field strength at the active site of an enzyme, making it works an astonishing 50 times faster than its unmodified analog.
To find the best possible shape for an accelerator component (left), researchers often have to tweak a number of factors at the same time, which would be tedious and time-consuming if done by hand. Software like SLAC’s ACE3P allows them...
Particle accelerators are used every day in a wide range of scientific, medical and industrial applications. But did you know that the task of operating these machines is far from mundane? For example, for every experiment at SLAC’s X-ray laser...
They found that gently heating N95 masks in high relative humidity could inactivate SARS-CoV-2 virus trapped within the masks, without degrading the masks’ performance.
This animation shows an accelerator cavity whose design is being optimized with the help of a dashboard Kitware developed for use with SLAC’s ACE3P software. The waves of color traveling through the modeled accelerator cavity represent electromagnetic fields that pull...
As members of the lab’s Computer Science Division, they develop the tools needed to handle ginormous data volumes produced by the next generation of scientific discovery machines.