From studying chemical reactions that happen in femtosecond timescale to advancing society’s energy technology, the Energy Sciences Directorate’s research addresses an enormous range of critical scientific challenges.
The Accelerator Directorate fosters world leading accelerator science and technologies for future accelerators, while enabling user research and accelerator R&D programs today.
They created a comprehensive picture of how the same chemical processes that give these cathodes their high capacity are also linked to changes in atomic structure that sap performance.
SLAC and the SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis supported creation of a new carbon material that significantly improves the performance of batteries and supercapacitors.
Jolting complex materials with bursts of energy from rapid-fire lasers can help scientists learn why some of these materials exhibit useful properties such as high-temperature superconductivity.
The SLAC/Stanford researcher is a leading materials scientist and entrepreneur whose research is paving the way for better batteries, cleaner power grids.