SLAC and Stanford scientists have set a world record for energy storage, using a clever “yolk-shell” design to store five times more energy in the sulfur cathode of a rechargeable lithium-ion battery than is possible with today’s commercial technology. The...
The SuperCDMS dark matter experiment will be located at the Canadian laboratory SNOLAB, 2 kilometers (6,800 feet) underground inside a nickel mine near the city of Sudbury. It’s the deepest underground laboratory in North America. There it will be protected...
The Grid Integration, Systems & Mobility lab works with universities, state agencies, utilities and industry to develop technology solutions for the next-generation electric grid.
Researchers at Stanford and SLAC are working on ways to convert waste carbon dioxide (CO2) into chemical feedstocks and fuels, turning a potent greenhouse gas into valuable products. The process is called electrochemical conversion. When powered by renewable energy sources...
This animation shows how krypton (red) is removed from xenon gas (blue) by flowing the combined gases through a column of charcoal (black specks). Both elements stick to the charcoal, but krypton is not as strongly attached and gets swept...