Researchers used SLAC’s ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) as an electron camera to take snapshots of a three-atom-thick layer of a promising material as it wrinkles in response to a laser pulse.
On April 20, 2023 we celebrated 50 years of transformative science at SSRL. This unique event acknowledged many individuals who have made SSRL such a vital and impactful facility through partnerships among SSRL users and staff that fuel our success.
The lab’s X-ray laser recently joined other facilities in making remote science possible from any corner of the world, a trend that will likely continue into the future.
SSRL and LCLS scientists will help visiting research teams solve their experimental challenges, then apply what they’ve learned to help others work more efficiently.
The lab is responding to the coronavirus crisis by imaging disease-related biomolecules, developing standards for reliable coronavirus testing and enabling other essential research.