Some 150 million years ago, a strange creature died in a tropical lagoon that today is located in Bavaria, Germany. In 1861, a single feather of this creature was discovered. Not long afterward, a complete fossil was found with the...
This video explains how, in a previous paper, researchers were able to see two key steps in photosynthetic water splitting under conditions as it occurs in nature, a big step to decoding how the process works in detail.
This video explains how researchers at SLAC are using a method known as ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) to develop an atomic-level understanding of how metals melt, which could help them design materials for applications where materials have to withstand extreme...
Scientists at SLAC observe chemical reactions in unprecedented detail and find ways to make them more efficient, with the goal of using chemistry to help solve the nation’s energy challenges.
From studying chemical reactions that happen in femtosecond timescale to advancing society’s energy technology, the Energy Sciences Directorate’s research addresses an enormous range of critical scientific challenges.
SLUO represents scientists and engineers from universities and laboratories around the world involved in particle physics, astrophysics and accelerator physics research at SLAC.