Scientists demonstrated a materials characterization technique can be successful at a new type of facility, and they used it at LCLS to discover a hidden materials phase.
After more than a decade, LCLS was upgraded to generate even more powerful X-ray laser beams. With the LCLS-II upgrade, LCLS is around 10,000 times brighter and fires about 8,000 times faster. It generates up to one million pulses per...
Animation illustrating the concept of the Trojan horse method. An electron bunch from SLAC’s FACET facility (bright spot at right) passes through hydrogen plasma (purple).
Accelerators form the backbone of SLAC's national user facilities. They are complicated machines, with hundreds of thousands of components that all need to be designed, engineered, operated and maintained to achieve the highest energy acceleration and the highest quality particle...
With their ability to penetrate matter and resolve individual atoms, X-rays and electrons are among scientists’ most useful tools for determining the structure and behavior of molecules and materials.