An international team has uncovered details about the formation of DNA's building blocks, paving the way for potential medical and therapeutic applications.
A new report outlines suggestions for federal investments needed for the next generation of transformative discoveries in particle physics and cosmology, including priority projects at SLAC.
Researchers have found a new way to probe molecules and atoms with an X-ray laser, setting off cascading bursts of light that reveal precise details of what is going on inside, which could allow scientists to see details of chemical...
Petroglyphs are carved in a material called rock varnish, the origins of which have been debated for years. Now, scientists argue it’s the result of bacteria and an adaptation that protects them from the desert sun’s harsh rays.
To capture as much information as possible about clouds of atoms at the heart of the MAGIS-100 experiment, SLAC scientists devised a dome of mirrors that gathers more light from more angles.